All screenshots are from jDip 1.5. Clicking an image will enlarge it.
Starting a New Game
A number of variants are supported. Detailed descriptions are provided.
Some variants have multiple maps available.
The Map & Symbols tab allows selection of a particular
map style, as well as the style of units and other symbols.
The starting year, victory conditions, and optional rules
may be set here as well.
Order Entry
Orders may be entered with the mouse, or, they may be
typed in directly. Orders are shown both on the map display
and on the order list.
Another screen (not shown) may be used to enter multiple
orders at the same time, which is useful when copying orders
sent by email.
Map Detail
A region of the map seen above is now zoomed.
Province names or abbreviations (as shown here) may be
shown or hidden at any zoom level.
Note that supported moves (mun->sil, vie->gal) have
thicker Move arrows, proportional to their support.
Adjudication Results
The adjudication results for the orders are shown here.
Statistics are provided for failed orders.
An Imported Game
This game (USIN / narwhal) was imported directly
from All game turns are imported.
Face-to-Face Mode
A Face-to-Face mode game, with the Standard variant.
Note the tabs on the right-hand side.
When a power submits orders, those orders are hidden
until the turn is resolved.
Here, Austria has already
submitted orders, and France is entering hers. France
cannot view Austrian orders at this time.
Sail Ho! Variant
The Sail Ho! variant.
Youngstown Variant
The Youngstown variant.